This Blog is dedicated to the financial destruction of Maximus Canada Inc. and Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., the people who created them, the people who operate them, and the people who profit from them.

Maximus and Themis are part of one of the greatest schemes of human rights violations in Canadian history.

Themis, under the leadership of Maximus, has destroyed and impoverished families throughout Canada.

By publishing the facts about Maximus and Themis we hope to educate the readers so that, over time, there will be a critical mass of public opinion and information that will lead to the downfall of this gangster operation.

If you have any information on, or personal experience with Maximus or Themis, the people who operate these notorious companies and profit from them, please share that information with us.

Information and knowledge are power and the more damaging information about Maximus and Themis that is published, the easier it will be to financially destroy these companies and the people associated with them.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Did FMEP insiders threaten Provincial Court Judge John Lenaghan?

Chris Beresford
On Tuesday, November 5, 2013, Judge John Lenaghan of the Provincial Court of British Columbia delivered a dishonest and unjust judgment against Mr. Carten who the Government of British Columbia fraudulently claims owes  $430,000 in arrears of child support as a result of fraudulent, corrupt and dishonest court orders made in 1996, 1998 and 2001 by crooked judges in the Supreme Court of British Columbia.
All of the crooked judges involved in the making of the fraudulent corrupt and dishonest court orders are now dead. 

The crooked judges died from sudden heart attacks or sudden onset cancer shortly after their crimes were reported to appropriate authorities.  The Editors think several of the judges were murdered and that Provincial Court Judge John Lenaghan may soon join the Graveyard of the Guilty where the other crooked judges are interred. 

Instead of making an honest judgment and diverting 25% of his income to arrears of child support in accordance with the regulations and which Mr. Carten agreed to Judge John Lenaghan became the tool Chris Beresford (shown in photo on right) a highly placed insider with the Government of British Columbia who has been attempting to financially destroy Mr. Carten for over a decade.

Judge Lenaghan ordered that 80% of Mr. Carten's poverty level income be seized to pay the fraudulently obtained court ordered debt thereby leaving Mr. Carten with a meagre $300 per month to pay food clothing, shelter and other necessaries of life. 

The British Columbia Government  has refused to pay welfare to Mr. Carten as part of their campaign against him as he struggles to survive in Canada's harsh climate. Welfare recipients receive about $700 per month. The judgment of Lenaghan was clearly crafted to punish a critic of the state and he would have ordered seizure of 100% of Mr. Carten's income except for a technicality in the law that prevented him from doing so  

The ruling was contrary to the law and is an example of how corruption operates in Canada's court system and how Canadian governments manipulate the justice system to punish critics.

Judge Lenaghan was fully informed he was assisting a fraud and that any decent self-respecting judge would have no part of it and he appeared to be in full agreement but, after a brief recess, he returned to the court a shaken-man.

According to witnesses Judge Lenaghan looked like he had seen a ghost. He appeared to have aged 15 years in 15 minutes.

Judge Lenaghan had a look of absolute terror in his eyes when he hung his head in shame and made the dishonest court order against Mr. Carten.

Mr. Carten asked Judge Lenaghan if he had been contacted by anyone during the  recess who instructed him to make the dishonest court order.

Judge Lenaghan was clearly frightened and refused to answer the question.

It is a common practice in the British Columbia courts for judges to leave the courtroom and seek instructions from a higher authority and then return to deliver a judgment that has no basis in law or fact but is designed to destroy citizens who oppose state corruption.

Judge Lenaghan is now in danger of bring murdered.  He knows too much.  He can put the people who instructed him in jail and  they know it. Those people have a motive to murder Judge Lenaghan just like insiders murdered Canadian Federal Court Of Appeal Justice Carolyn Layden-Stevenson on June 27, 2012 and several other judges, lawyers and key witnesses.

A complaint has been filed with British Columbia Provincial Court Chief Judge Thomas
Will Chief Judge Crabtree investigate Judge Lenaghan?
 If Chief Judge Crabtree is consistent with his past history, he will remain silent and do nothing.

The empty coffin awaits Judge John Lenaghan! He broke faith with the ancient Laws of Ireland, where he comes form, and the spirits of the ancient Brehons (judges) of Ireland have been awakened from their tombs and they will strike him down. 

This is the law of the cosmos.  It is universal law.  There is no avoiding it. 

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