This Blog is dedicated to the financial destruction of Maximus Canada Inc. and Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., the people who created them, the people who operate them, and the people who profit from them.

Maximus and Themis are part of one of the greatest schemes of human rights violations in Canadian history.

Themis, under the leadership of Maximus, has destroyed and impoverished families throughout Canada.

By publishing the facts about Maximus and Themis we hope to educate the readers so that, over time, there will be a critical mass of public opinion and information that will lead to the downfall of this gangster operation.

If you have any information on, or personal experience with Maximus or Themis, the people who operate these notorious companies and profit from them, please share that information with us.

Information and knowledge are power and the more damaging information about Maximus and Themis that is published, the easier it will be to financially destroy these companies and the people associated with them.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Deputy Attorney General Resigns Over Maximus Themis Cover Up

David Loukedelis
On Friday, May 4, 2012, David Loukedelis the Deputy Attorney General for British Columbia, a respected civil servant and lawyer, of many years, suddenly resigned after his Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Richard Fyfe, was caught, red-faced and red handed, lying and cheating in order to protect the crooked lawyer, Joanne Platt, who is employed by the neo Nazi company known as Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd. 

In our opinion, David Loukedelis was so disgusted and so revolted by the corruption of Richard Fyfe, Joanne Platt, Richard Beresford and others in the Ministry of the Attorney General and at Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd and Maximus Inc. that he decided to get out fast so her could preserve a measure of personal and professional integrity. 

We think David Loukedelis should have blown the whistle and exposed the crooks but we don't blame him for jumping off the stinking, rotten, sinking, ship which is now being steered by the lying cheating lawyers, Richard Fyfe and Joanne Platt

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