This Blog is dedicated to the financial destruction of Maximus Canada Inc. and Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., the people who created them, the people who operate them, and the people who profit from them.

Maximus and Themis are part of one of the greatest schemes of human rights violations in Canadian history.

Themis, under the leadership of Maximus, has destroyed and impoverished families throughout Canada.

By publishing the facts about Maximus and Themis we hope to educate the readers so that, over time, there will be a critical mass of public opinion and information that will lead to the downfall of this gangster operation.

If you have any information on, or personal experience with Maximus or Themis, the people who operate these notorious companies and profit from them, please share that information with us.

Information and knowledge are power and the more damaging information about Maximus and Themis that is published, the easier it will be to financially destroy these companies and the people associated with them.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Assistant Deputy Attorney General Lies to Protect Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., employere Joanne Platt

Richard Fyfe 
When British Columbia Premier, Christy Clark, was asked to investigate complaints of criminal misconduct by Joanne Platt, the crooked lawyer, working for Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., a companjy that provides legal services to the BC government, she followed protocal and referred the complaint to her Attorney General who, in turn, followed protocol and referred the issue to her Assistant Deputy, Richard Fyfe, shown above left, who then, in our opinion, proceeded to lie, cheat, and deceive exactly like his colleagues in the British Columbia Attorney General because he wished to protect Joanne Platt instead of do his job properly.

We think Richard Fyfe is just another dishonest, deceiving, dissimulating civil servant covering up crimes by himself and his colleagues. Here are the facts and you can be the judge

In Novemver 2011, after much bureaucratic run around, the Law Society of British Columbia, finally and officially, in writing, refused to investigate a complaint that one of its members, Joanne Platt had been engaged in a criminal offence, i.e. obstruction of justice, whichin most parts of Canada, is generally considered to be improper conduct by a lawyer in addition to being a serious criminal offence.

So, in March 2012, an official conplaint was filed with Premier Christy Clark asking for an internal government investigation of what was, surely, a criminal act carried out by a lawyer who provides legal services to the BC Government.

When the complaint arrived on the desk of Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Richard Fyfe, he got nervous and scared and did what a lot of people do when caught in a crime and on April 19, 2012, he wrote a letter wherein he advised Premier Christy Clark that the British Columbia government did not have the capacity or power to investigate the conduct of a lawyer who provided legal services to the government on a contract basis.

Richard Fyfe's legal opinion was complete and utter nonsense and in our opinion a deliberate lie in order to cover up for criminal activity by Joanne Platt and her colleagues.

The law is easy to read and not very complicated.

Under section 2 of the Attorney General Act the Attorney General “must see that the administration of public affairs is in accordance with law”.

The administration of the powers and duties of the Director of the Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP) operated by Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd. falls into the classification of “public affairs”.

Furthermore, section 3 (1) of the Attorney General Act gives the Attorney General the power to demand the Director and Themis must “comply with all requirements and standards established by the Attorney General for that public body in respect of …(a) retaining, contracting with or employing persons to provide legal services; and (b) reports on and audits of those legal services” (section 3 (2)).

In addition, the interpretation of these sections is governed by the Interpretation Act, so that the provisions are “always speaking” (section 7) and “must be construed as being remedial, and must be given such fair, large and liberal construction and interpretation as best ensures the attainment of its objects” (section 8).

So, in our opinion, Richard Fyfe is a dirty legal LIAR, not lawyer, but liar, spelled L-I-A-R and he is a danger tro the public, has probably lied and cheated in the past and should be fired immediately before he lies and cheats again. 

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