This Blog is dedicated to the financial destruction of Maximus Canada Inc. and Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., the people who created them, the people who operate them, and the people who profit from them.

Maximus and Themis are part of one of the greatest schemes of human rights violations in Canadian history.

Themis, under the leadership of Maximus, has destroyed and impoverished families throughout Canada.

By publishing the facts about Maximus and Themis we hope to educate the readers so that, over time, there will be a critical mass of public opinion and information that will lead to the downfall of this gangster operation.

If you have any information on, or personal experience with Maximus or Themis, the people who operate these notorious companies and profit from them, please share that information with us.

Information and knowledge are power and the more damaging information about Maximus and Themis that is published, the easier it will be to financially destroy these companies and the people associated with them.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Maximus Themis Growns More Desparate And Lashes Out Against Whistleblower lawyer John Frederick Carten

The continuung attack by Maximus Themis against whistleblower lawyer John Carten who manages the Water War Crimes web site and who has a multi billion dollar claim against Maximus Themis that is now at the Supreme Court of Canada took another turn when Maximus Themis reached out and looted over $2,000 from Mr. Carten's bank account under the pretext of a court order that was made as part of a fraudulent conspiracy to destroy Mr. Carten because he was exposing crimes that recent information confirms involves the England's Royal Family and Canada's pervert Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.

Themis Maximus have been a key part of the Marxist political agenda to destroy and impoverish family providers making families more and more dependent on the STATE.  Thus weakened by STATE interference, children of the impoverished families are more easily stolen and kidnapped by STATE authorities where they are used to feed the British Columbia / Canada sex trade including child porn and child prostitution.

Themis Maximus manager Trish Riswold, shown on the far left in the following group photograph, confirmed that she was responsible for the most recent abhorrent attack against Mr. Carten.  Online sources reveal that that Trish Riswold is an unmarried, single, female who lives and travels with her dog named Piper.   

From left: Trish Riswold, Regional Manager, Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP); Hanna Roots, Managing Director, FMEP; Ringo Dosanjh, Deputy Director, Maintenance Enforcement and Locate Services; Louise Riley, Program Analyst, Maintenance Enforcement and Locate Services; Chris Beresford, Director of Maintenance Enforcement; Troy Hutson, Washington Assistant Secretary for Economic Services; David Stillman, Director, Washington Division of Child Support; Michelle Frazer, Project Director, Information Systems, FMEP; Nancy Hall, Business Analyst, FMEP

Chris Beresford, Director, shown in the centre of the photograph was informed several years ago that the process he was following was contrary to basic human rights and Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms but he kept right on doing it and since 1998 over 25 people who were part of the attack on Mr. Carten have died because of the attutudes of the Government of BC and its gangster employees don't understand the law of cause and effect.   


  1. Where do I submit my story. I'm in an epic battle with these crooks.

  2. We're interested in your story - /


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