This Blog is dedicated to the financial destruction of Maximus Canada Inc. and Themis Program Management and Consulting Ltd., the people who created them, the people who operate them, and the people who profit from them.

Maximus and Themis are part of one of the greatest schemes of human rights violations in Canadian history.

Themis, under the leadership of Maximus, has destroyed and impoverished families throughout Canada.

By publishing the facts about Maximus and Themis we hope to educate the readers so that, over time, there will be a critical mass of public opinion and information that will lead to the downfall of this gangster operation.

If you have any information on, or personal experience with Maximus or Themis, the people who operate these notorious companies and profit from them, please share that information with us.

Information and knowledge are power and the more damaging information about Maximus and Themis that is published, the easier it will be to financially destroy these companies and the people associated with them.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Background on Chris Beresford Director FMEP

The Gangters at FMEP - Beresford in centreƩ
According to British Columbia government publications, Chris Beresford, shown 5th from left in photo, the present director of the gestapo like Family Maintenance Enforcement Program was with the Corrections Branch as an analyst in or before 1992 located on the 4th flr 910 Government St Victoria. 

The corrections branch is a part of the Ministry of the Attorney General a ministry that is widely regarded as the most corrupt in British Columbia.

In 1993 and 1994 Chris Beresford was still an analyst in the Corrections Branch and his wife and furure NDP political candidate, Charley Beresford, had become an executive assistant to the NDP Health Minister, Elizabeth Cull.  Charley Beresford is a left wing socialist politician who has been rejected by the voters.  She and her husband, Chris, who destroys families by abuse of state power as director of FMEP, are alleged to have two children, one male and one female. 

In 1996, Chris Beresford became a Communications Analyst in the Corrections Branch which was then located at 7th Floor 1001 Douglas Street, the Attorney General Ministry's head office, and on the same floor as the Family Justice Reform unit.
Ujjal Dosanjh 
In 1999 Chris Beresford was the acting director of Attorney General Issues and Event Management unit in the Headquarters Communications Branch. on the 10th floor of 1001 Douglas Street - when the dirty Ujjal Dosanjh was the minister and the crooked Maureen Maloney was deputy attorney general and her dirty deputy minister, Gillian Wallace (one of the many dead insiders murdered as part of the Water War Crimes cover up) was the Assistant Deputy Minister Legal Services Branch.
Alison MacPhail was Assistant Deputy Minister Community Justice and Mary Beeching was acting executive director of Headquarters Communications - among several others who are still in senior management positions in that most corrupt Ministry in the Briitsh Columbia Government.
In 2001, the dirty Premier Ujjal Dosanjh appointed Chris Beresford as director of the corrupt Family Maintenance Enforcement Program a position where he retained under the convicted criminal Premier, Gordon Campbell,  who was finally forced from office when it was becoming widely known that he was paying his Mistress Lara Dauphinee a salary of $150,000 per year from government funds.

Click here to learn more about the Premier`s Mistress.